Susan creates large and mid-sized original abstract art with surfaces and visual narratives derived from memories of growing up in NYC in the 1980s.
Her mixed-media paintings feel as if they are a collaboration of marks in the same way telephone booths and trains became filled with graffiti and stickers. Eroded pictures on top of images, song lyrics and quotes, graffiti, and advertisement stickers. Please click on any image below for further information about the artwork and purchasing. Please email susan@susanwashingtonfineart.com for commission requests or if you have a question about any of the artworks.
Paintings can be purchased directly through the artist’s studio in Baltimore, MD, Artspace Warehouse in Los Angeles, CA, or on COHART. Clicking on the images below will bring you to a page where you may purchase the work and find more information. To buy locally from the studio, please email the artist here.
Please click here to view a small selection of small works that can inspire new commissions.